Wednesday, September 26, 2007


As I was doing research for some papers I am writing I came across a lot of good resources that I thought might be useful for some of you who are continuing to pursue International Relations/Conflict Resolution studies.

2006 Conflict Barometer: An annual report of all Crisis, Wars, Coups d’état, Negotiations, Mediations, and Peace Settlements of that year. (See page 4 for a map with a listing of all conflicts from that year).

The Ibrahim Index of African Governance
Released approximately every 2 years and measures the progress or failures of the 48 Sub-Saharan African countries on categories such as:
-Safety and Security
-Rule of Law, Transparency
-Participation and Human Rights
-Sustainable Economic Opportunity
-Human Development
They average the ranking from these categories to reach the ranking on the Ibrahim Index. The 2007 report (from the data of 2005), lists Somalia as the worst governed nation in Sub-Saharan Africa.

United Nations
And last, there is more information that you can ever possibly read available on the UN Website through their database. Just do a simple search for whatever document you are looking for at,

For example, there are a number of committees that release annual reports on the signatories to the respective Covenant and list that country's progression in these areas, and what still needs to be done.

Here is a report from 2007 on the Civil and Political Rights in the UK.
(see page 42 for the committee’s responses)

Other committee include:
-Right to Development
-Sovereignty on Natural Resources
-Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries
-Convention Against Genocide
-Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
-Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
-Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities
-Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief
-Rights of indigenous peoples
-Race and Racial Prejudice
-International Law Concerning Friendly Relations Among Nations

Hope this helps in your research whether personal or academic.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hansen Celebration - WORLD PEACE DAY (21 SEPTEMBER)


In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.

The resolution: "Declares that the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day...

“Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.”

Ban Ki Moon’s Message:

Peace is one of humanity’s most precious needs. It is also the United Nations’ highest calling.

It defines our mission. It drives our discourse. And it draws together all of our worldwide work, from peacekeeping and preventive diplomacy to promoting human rights and development.

This work for peace is vital. But it is not easy. Indeed, in countless communities across the world, peace remains an elusive goal. From the displaced person camps of Chad and Darfur to the byways of Baghdad, the quest for peace is strewn with setbacks and suffering.

September 21, the International Day of Peace, is an occasion to take stock of our efforts to promote peace and well-being for all people everywhere.

It is an opportunity to appreciate what we have already accomplished, and to dedicate ourselves to all that remains to be done.

It is also meant to be a day of global ceasefire: a 24-hour respite from the fear and insecurity that plague so many places.

Today, I urge all countries and all combatants to honour this cessation of hostilities. And I ask people everywhere to observe a minute of silence at noon local time.

As the guns fall silent, we should use this opportunity to ponder the price we all pay due to conflict. And we should resolve to vigorously pursue ways to make permanent this day’s pause.

On this International Day, let us promise to make peace not just a priority, but a passion. Let us pledge to do more, wherever we are in whatever way we can, to make every day a day of peace.

NOTE: Special Thanks to RAMONA DRAGOMIR for sending us wishes on "World Peace Day" (and ofcourse for reminding us)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Is there a Solution to Iraq War?

I just went and saw the documentary “No End In Sight” about the war in Iraq and would recommend to anyone else, who is able, to go and see it. This film was well made and I was stunned at times of how poorly some decisions were made. However it ended rather ambiguously merely stating that things looked grim and offering little in way of suggestions as what to do next.

Thinking back to our 3 weeks in the Hansen program I realized we really didn’t talk about the use of force or war as a method of conflict-resolution, but indeed it is a tool of conflict-resolution and one that must always be considered. When trying to create a policy proposal for a suggested method of resolution all options must remain on the table even if one is to simply rule out methods of force as too costly or impractical in each instance.

As our program was focused on peaceful methods of conflict-resolution, which are largely preventative methods to conflict, we did not have the chance to review methods of conflict resolution during and particularly post-conflict. I know that particularly with my intended career path, and maybe with many of yours as well, these methods will be highly relevant.

As was seen with the war in Iraq, the decision to go to war is not always democratic, but its repercussions always are. Whether or not you like the concept of warfare as a tool for diplomacy, chances are you won’t have a say in whether or not to begin a war. But, as possible future governmental employees, we will likely have a say in how to end it. Considering this I began to question what I would do differently to resolve a war like Iraq once others had already decided to begin it.

The first step would be to undo those three fatal mistakes made by Paul Bremer (former administrator of the Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority). One, immediately set-up an interim government. Following the end of combat operations, Iraq was left in limbo. Bremer decided he did not want an interim government immediately set-up, but at the same time martial law was ruled out. This left a void for authority and accountability and that’s when the looting began. The governmental ministries were ransacked (further complicating measures later when they were brought back), the national library was burned to the ground, and the national museum with some of the earliest artifacts known to man was emptied overnight. Some went even as far as to chip away at these concrete buildings just the pull out the steel re-bars inside. The complete lawlessness from the looting left the Iraqis feeling abandoned and humiliated.

Bremer’s second step was the de-Baathification of governmental employees. This step was like permanently banishing anyone affiliated with the Communist part in China from governmental employment. Many of these workers joined the Baath party just to get a job and overnight hundreds of thousands of professionals were left unemployed and the fragile remnants of the political system completely collapsed.

Bremer’s third and worst decision was to completely disband all branches of the Iraqi armed forces and police. In a matter of days, General Hughes had compiled a list of 127,000 Iraqi military officers willing and ready to assist the American forces in restabilizing Iraq. This list was ignored by Bremer, Walter Slocombe and the other officials in charge of the DoD, and everyone in the Iraqi Armed Forces were told to go home and not to come back. This left Iraq’s most skilled fighters (and their weapons) unemployed, humiliated, and looking for revenge.

Originally, it was this displaced force of veteran fighters that formed the backbone of the insurgency. Then, as personal ideals took a back-burner to need for a source of income, these fighters became mercenaries, offering their services to local militias in exchange for a monthly stipend.

The next step would be to immediately withdraw all security contractors from Iraq. The majority of the wars questionable killings have come at the hands of these largely untrained security guards with a license to kill. The damage they have caused to the U.S. image with Iraqi citizens is perhaps irreversible. These fatal flaws only succeeded in alienating (and really pissing off) both the professional elite and common Iraqis.

The main problem was with US leadership. Those in charge of decision-making in the war had little to no military experience. Bush and Cheney were notorious draft-dodgers and had no military experience (the Texas National Guard does not count), Slocombe and Bremer had no military experience whatsoever, and Rumsfeld (the chief architect of the war) had only a brief and limited stint in the armed services. The problem with this is they didn’t know how to interpret the current conditions on the ground (also partially because they remained in Washington D.C.) and they didn’t have an understanding of the past.

A better understanding of the past could have provided them with better answers to this quagmire, answers that the military had learned in past wars. In the 1930’s, the Marines wrote The Small Wars Manual, a compilation of tactics and wisdom learned through their years of fighting guerrilla warfare and other forms of insurgencies. Unfortunately, despite containing insightful and helpful information, this manual has been largely ignored. One lesson states that it is the duty of the military “to establish law and order by supporting or replacing the civil government,” not stand by and watch lawlessness and looting consume the country. Also, contrary to the initial approach of Shock and Awe, the manual calls for a minimum use of firepower, “with the minimum of troops, in fact, with nothing more than a demonstration of force if that is all that is necessary and reasonably sufficient.” Apart from maintaining peace through the status quo, the manual also calls for a proactive approach simultaneously by the State Department in close coordination with the military and understands that “peace and industry cannot be restored permanently without appropriate provisions for the economic welfare of the people,” so rendering the majority of the country unemployed by mass dismissals, as ordered by Bremer, is in fact not advisable.

The most notable flaw in the current war strategy is the complete lack of any elements from the Combined Action Program. CAP began in 1965 in Vietnam and was one of the few successes in the war. Each Combined Action platoon had a marine rifle squad under the command of a sergeant (and all members were chosen exclusively for their ability to work with the local population). These 12-15 marines were paired with a platoon from the South Vietnamese forces (about 30 local men). The marines provided military knowledge and the Vietnamese provide an intimate knowledge of local conditions and the two groups would be encouraged to bond by sharing the same sleeping quarters, eating the same food, and working the same patrol assignments. This combined force made up a CAP and were responsible for maintaining control of a village.

One of the dilemmas of the current war in Iraq is that forces constantly have to reconquer cities as they do not have enough troops to maintain a foothold in all the cities at once. Instituting a CAP system would allow the US to provide a presence in all cities at once with a minimal amount of troops and the support of the local military, and thus likely the local populace who can provide invaluable information. The number of soldiers in each CAP could be adjusted according to the specific priorities of each city and would receive air reinforcement from attack helicopters if they should find their selves over-run.

“The Village” by Francis J. West Jr. recounts one of these CAPs in action at Binh Nghia following a devastating attack in which six of the twelve marines were ambushed and killed. The six remaining marines presented with the option of being evacuated, stated “we couldn’t leave. What would we have said to the PFs (S.Vietnamese Force) after the way we pushed them to fight the Cong? We had to stay. There wasn’t one of us who wanted to leave.” The positive effect from such a mutual respect on public opinion should not be underestimated. Nor should the experience gained; the marines learned the area from the PF and the PF learned proper military tactics, each becoming more productive fighting units and able to spread their knowledge to other adolescent CAPs exponentially.

It took several years, but yesterday I saw an article which showed the first signs of CAP tactics within Iraq. It is being called the Anbar Model, which might seem to indicate a novel concept but it is actually just a primitive form of the same strategy employed by CAP in Vietnam. The Anbar Model combines US military forces side by side with local Sheiks and their Sunni clansmen against their mutual enemy, and also Sunni, Al-Qaeda forces. This movement was spearheaded by Sheik Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, who was subsequently killed by an IED attack that Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for. Rather than crippling the movement, the attack has created a martyr out of Abu Risha and reports are now stating that the Anbar Model has spread to the Shiite south where Sheik Majid Tahir al-Magsousi is providing his Shiite clansmen to receive training by the US forces and to work in conjunction with them to help patrol the Iranian border and bolster local security against Shiite militias. These elements clearly draw their roots from the aforementioned Combined Action Program; however there is one important element which has adapted specifically for the conditions of Iraq. The Sunni clansmen are only being used to fight fellow Sunnis and the Shiites other Shiites, as to prevent stoking further ethnic tensions between the two groups. If there remains any hope for Iraq it lies with the support and expansion of such programs country-wide.

DAVE (18 September 2007)
Ha-ha-ha, well I doubt it'd shock or surprise you that I'm against the bloody thing, but I initially was actually for it after Colin Powell helped Bush's media blitz in Oct-Dec 2002 enamored Americans of war once again.

I changed my mind, however, after the invasion shortly once I saw all my worst fears and predictions beginning to come true, not the least of which was suppressed evidence of transmitted/destoryed cold-war era WMD programs and quieted journalists on stories of the immediate failure of the country, esp. military on civilian atrocities, (i.e. the Haditha killings last year).

Where are these guys at today? Hard to say, it's such a chaotic environment it's hard from this perspective to see the Iraqis keeping their country together another year, much less to say in five. Most likely it'll be a quick, violent civil war in about a year after which the stabilizing effects of truncated war will cause the country to trifurcate into a confederalist arrangement with Baghdad as a nominal center of gvt., but rest assured the provinces will all be highly impassable as Shiitistan and Sunnistan will give way to regional war as Saudi, Syria and Iran arm all sides. Expect immensely high Sunnah civilian castualties as they're the smallest and poorest organized without a political arm to get them in line. As we see in Pakistan and Afghanistan, problems of ethnic, tribal, and intereligious violence remain at all-time highs are are a strong cause for future violence. Cause for these conflicts are many, but foremost amongst them is a resource-driven battle. As you know Iraq has one of the last large natural reserves of crude oil left in the world, the money to rebuild and rearm their country lies underneath their feet, it just takes stabilization and organization to reach down and get that black gold.

The big operating characters in the country are getting clearer as old alliances give way to new ones. The Badr Brigade is a serious force to deal with, and their current stance on the future of Iraq is uncertain. As Abu Risha, the top Sunni tribal leader (and a pretty scummy guy in his own right) got assassinated over last week, we see up close the cost of anyone in that region even -shaking- hands with President Dubya.

Al-Sadr's Mahdi Army is currently at low-level intensity as they use the Ramadan holiday gathering force in southern Iraq. Many of his forces indeed gain help from Iranian Shiite sympathisers but for the most part they operate in broad daylight, executing their own countrymen for violating their very narrow Salafist interpretation of Koranic law. This may be a function of their undoing, much like Hamas ruined their reputation for going after their own, Al Sadr's overconfidence may be his undoing.

Al Maliki is much stronger than the U.S. media gives him credit, and the sheer distrust of the man over here is baffling. He is the leader of the Iraqis, and our only way out. Without someone to blame, someone to praise, someone to look up to, the future of the political situation in the congress is impossible. Iraqis respect force, they like overconfidence, they like someone who'll rile things up when the time calls for it. They love that shit. Remember when they won the Asian Football conference two months ago? Felt good, huh? Iraqis dig that shit no mattter what. Let's hope in a few years they'll actually be able to come home and play officially for a standing crowd. Iraq needs leaders who can manipulate emotions that effectively. Right now, most of their politicians double as informants, illicit market operators, etc.. Necessity may invent the next Saddam, however, and a lot wish for the dictator's return from the grave.

Central Baghdad's a mess, even parts of Kurdistan are beginning to destabilize. Sunni militia in the center are redoubling their efforts for the oncoming war over Baghdad. The biggest situation right now is whether the U.S./Coalition forces are even going to function like yet another militia in an ever-scattered factionalized country. Pulling out now is impossible, it takes six months just to line up the troop carriers into the Gulf to get the boys and equipment out. The troops remain positive, but confused. Most don't spend time thinking about why they're over there (what soldier likes to think of such things when bullets and bombs loom overhead?), but most are coming back with less and less enthusiasm. The military right now is buying our troops off, paying them an extra year's pay to bring them back... though much of that money is promised to first-time recruits, but seldom delievered.

Indeed it looks like our forces are committed for the long-term, possibly with this thing winding down after one last big operation like in Korea. As you may remember in '52, U.S. forces were pulled back out of North Korea after the UN mandated a resolution to the situation (without convincing the generals on the ground!). We're looking at a familiar situation today, the U.S. will continue arming the Sunni insurgency to fight "Al Qaeda" (even though less than 10% of attacks in the last year on coalition forces were waged by known operatives for Al Qaeda. The vast majority are co-conspiracists and unemployed/able young Iraqis who're shit-tired of five years of occupation now. There are solutions, but they'll never take the hard way out, they always are going to take the quick and bloody way out if it guarantees keeping their families alive, etc..

In the U.S., the media campaign to stay in the country has faltered and swayed. President Bush has lost almost his entire cabinet of neo-khan supporters (Rummy, Rove, and now Gonzales are all out!), though this last week he had a mini-blitz over public consciousness as he, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, and General Petreus (sounds like a Roman general...) once again retread the reasons for going in, the reasons for staying, and the consequences if the U.S. drawdown. Cheney isn't leaving his side, and Americans are getting a taste for their blood. I would be surprised if the calls for their resignation or impeachment don't get louder next year as the really painful shit begins to sap our forces. As pundits in Washington proclaim Bush's "victory" over the anti-war left and congressional Democrats, the rest of the country isn't a bit impressed. Public dissatisfaction with his job performance is way down, though his general approval rate bumped up about 2% because of demonstration effects by the recent strength Petreus/Crocker report. Time has a way of forgetting, however, and I think the U.S. will, in fact, begin the draw down next year.

One last big thing this week, the Iraqi judiciary ordered that all activities by Blackwater LLC. be suspended from Iraq until the most recent killing of eight civilians by Blackwater PMC employees over the weekend is better investigated. As you know, Blackwater's a subsidiary of Cheney's Halliburton, originally as a weekend warrior sportsman's paradise in South Carolina, now it's the home to one of the fastest growing agencies in Iraq. Last year, they made over $800 million and have over 10,000 employees working on the ground as security forces, translators, and intel officers detatched to IA and coalition forces. Because the company exists in a legal grey zone depending on the topic their employees may or may not be subject to uniform military codes of justice, hence they can kill and get away with it. Well, it looks like someone has had enough and put an end to their business relationship. At the same time, Blackwater has immensely powerful friends in Washington, Baghdad and even Tel Aviv, as some of their officers get training from former Israeli and Chilean special forces. They've got the dough to spend to make the best mercenary army money can offer.

What will this do for the security situation? Well, if the reports I read were true (although never entirely -accurate-), this shows that the Iraqi government may find it's national calling by kicking out, removing the problem rather than solving it directly. It's shoddy, but it works. If the Iraqi government can successfully remove Blackwater, they'll be much closer to forcing the U.S. to capitulate and remove their forces quickly, much like the British just did in Basra as promised by Premier Gordon Brown. This is all highly contingent on the circumstances, and right now it looks like as much as the country can't physically withstand occupation (well over 90% blame the coalition as an "occupying force" rather than as a liberator of tyrrany). It makes sense that it would begin all now, as a confluence of events and extenuating coping mechanisms has been unleashed since Al Maliki's government began to collapse as chairs of regional-ethnic parties all reduced support in May.

This takes me to my final, darkest warning: Iran. Though I don't believe the U.S. is in a position where it can wage an effective, defensive ground war, we still have a -lot- of bombs waiting to get dropped on somebody. Probability that Americans will out-and-out revolt against government will grow much higher if they instate a draft, but domestic consequenes may grow higher even if a low-level arial war takes place. Take an air-war as a guarantee. If trends continue today with Petreus and other Pentagon officials widely blaming Iran as essential to arming and training Al Sadr's Mahdi Army, I believe the interaction is far more complex than they give credit. Indeed some Iranian sympathizers, specifically the Basij, the fundamentalist suicide brigades from the Iran-Iraq war, are more than common thinkers, they do indeed wish to see Iraq become a "glorious nation."

These people however have -nothing- to do with the nuclear ambitions of the country aside from voicing empty support to Ahmadinijad's regime (whom they blame for being too -secular-, amongst all things). Surely these mentally traumatized Iranian men who long for a distant glorious past to become their bloody future have better things on their hands besides bullying other moderate Iranians from violating narrow-minded Koranic public aesthetics codes, for they are hungry to serve any worthwhile purpose in the Iranian state again. Perhaps cooler heads will prevail, and perhaps E.U. will demonstrate much more obstinate leadership against Bush/Cheney's push towards yet a -fourth- front on the war on Terror, but I'm not holding my breath. Iran is much more sensitive to Europe's tithings and censures than they do the U.S.. That being said, I saw it coming five years ago that by now we'd be in the middle of not just Afghanistan, but toppling half the regimes of the mid-east.

I didn't see the new war in Somalia coming, but that was a much more tangential conflict to Iraq. Still unnerving if Ethiopia managed to get it to work out they way they want it, but for the most part everywhere the U.S. touches now turns to ash and shite and I don't see East Africa improving out of this.

Solution will have to involve bilateralism, multilateralism, or unilateralism. The unilateral solution is simple: wave and smile as our troops leave. No money is further given for reconstruction, chaos ensues, which will likely take 4-6 years to solve. Price of oil will skyrocket as Saudi and Iran get involved. This solution is unwinnable, but probable.

Bilateralism: we maintian friendly troops in harm's way for the indefinite future as a wildcard. Leave at least 100k troops in stations around the country or nearby in Qattar and Diego Rivera AFB. With the threat of new bombs overhead, assured destruction may be necessary to bind the Sunni and Shiites with direct threat of force. This solution lacks credibility and material implementation will proceed to become more difficult as costs will overrun effectiveness. The Pentagon doesn't like this solution as they want to save face and end what they think they can end. This solution is more probable.

Finally, multilateralism. Convince Syria, Jordan, Iran and Turkey to get involved in opening up to the country once it's reconstructed. Later bring in UN and EU as impartial arbiters for renegotiation of territorial boundaries. Currently the largest reconstruction firm in Iraq is actually a Turkish rebuilding company who also staffs translators for coalition and U.S. diplomatic detatchments. So there's some financial taste to this one, but it's going to take tremendous changes in foreign policy, domestic policy, and internal Iraqi policy. It's more of an end-game scenario, than a serious answer to the current instability in the country. Of course it's totally inconcievable under the current administration, so look to 2009 as the first year this is even possible.

CHUCK (18 September 2007)

Implied in you question is the assumption that there is a quick or easy fix for the problems in Iraq. That being said, it is imperative that the U.S. stay the course. A failed state would be a signal to Islamic terrorists that the United States can be defeated militarily if they can out last our efforts. Insurgency as a tactic is the acceptance on the part of those employing it of military inferiority. Those groups targeting US efforts right now understand that they are not going to be able to kill enough Americans to physically force the American out of Iraq. They can however kill one or two Americans at a time, which will slowly demoralize the American public (especially depending on how the media portrays our relative success or failure).

The U.S. needs to continue the transfer of political control and security responsibility to Iraqis. There needs to be some efforts towards a regional solution to the problems in country. This means getting the Iranians and to a less degree the Syrians to stop logistical support to their preferred factions within the country. The US also needs to make it clear that troops will remain in Iraq as long as necessary to accomplish the mission. A “deadline” for withdrawal (also know as “Benchmarks” to the democrats) is surrender.

Remember it is easy to rule and control a multi ethnic state if tyranny and terror are your methods it is much harder to create a heterogeneous state in which the rights of minorities are respected and there is a constitutional stability. Right now everyone sees a failed state in Iraq. Although there are problems they will work out.

Being trained as a historian I see many parallels between Bush and his policy of democratization in the middle east and Harry Truman and his policy of Containment at the beginning of the Cold War. Truman was very underrated as a president during his term in office. His support of the Republic of Korea in resisting the a Communist take over was described as a unwinable quagmire which was killing you Americans (33,000) with no end in sight. The Korean war cost Truman the presidency in 1952. However historians in the last 20 years now see the Korean war as a turning point in the Cold War and a definite victory (even though most observers at the time couldn’t see it). I think the same thing will happen with the war in Iraq once time passes.

Hansenian Memories - MICHELLE HAMILTON (USA)

I feel I should start with somewhat of a disclaimer. At times I’m afraid my thoughts and feelings may seem over simplified, or in someway “basic” in nature, but in no way do I intend to devalue or under represent the issues I believe to be important in the world today. With that said, I will attempt to convey my beliefs, concerns, and experiences to the best of my ability.

Being born and raised in the United States seems to have provided me with a unique perspective of society, specifically religion. It seems that as Americans we have a very different view of the world in which we live, and we have a very different view of our place in it. I was raised with the belief that I could grow up to be whatever I wanted to be, that my destiny was to be determined by me and me only. I have come to realize that this is not the case around the world, and this idea challenged my way of thinking. After great thought and consideration, I am now able to appreciate the complex differences in what appear to be very basic ways of thinking.

My way of thinking is somewhat based on where I was raised. I was born in Western Kentucky and grew up across the Ohio River in Southern Indian. This area is located in what is referred to as the bible belt of America. Religion has a strong hold on the society there, and it reflects heavily in the people and their beliefs. I, too, have been affected by religion, despite not claiming any religious affiliation.

My dad comes from a strong Catholic family. He and his brothers and sisters all went to a Catholic High School, the same high school that my mamaw (paternal grandmother) worked at. To this day, many of them remain very active in the Catholic Church. Others are only active participants around the major holidays. I’m not sure in what denomination my mother was raised, but my mother’s family was certainly mainline Protestant. I was raised in the Methodist church, and often was taken to a nondenominational church. My maternal grandparents are, and always have been, very religious.

There was a time when I, too, was strongly involved in the church and youth group. But as time went by, I couldn’t help but to sense that these institutions alienated so many people. I couldn’t understand why an institution that was supposedly set up to preach the word of God, and to exemplify his teachings could pick and choose who was worthy of their preaching. Perhaps the final straw was when I learned of how religion played a major part in my mother and my father’s marriage; then again divorce would be more appropriate. Because my mother was not Catholic, my parents could not be married in a Catholic church. I do not believe my parents were too concerned with this, but my paternal grandfather was deeply bothered. He refused to attend the wedding and did not support their marriage. My father was asked never to return to the Catholic Church and for what? Because he found a partner that made him happy, with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life with?

The tension that this caused was so detrimental that a few short years later my parents divorced. Granted, this was not the sole issue, but it caused a large enough crack in the foundation, that there marriage eventually gave way to all the pressures. On a daily basis I was similar examples of detrimental religious tensions. It seems that all to often, those who are very adamant in their religion tend to have the opinion that their religious views are correct, which makes all others wrong. This idea has always perturbed me. Who am I to say who is right and who is wrong? That my God is better than yours, ignoring any possibility that God and have more than one name, more than one identity? It is my opinion that it is this strictly constructed view within organized religion that causes conflict.

I have had the opportunity to take several classes on world religions and the sociology of religion. Through these studies it seems to me that the notion of “my God is better than yours” is prevalent in most religions. Some religions tend to be more tolerant than others in this aspect, but as soon as you get into the realm of a universal approach to religion, people start referring to it was philosophy, or a way of life, more than a practicing religion. Granted I see no downfall to this. I remember a comment that Mr. Kamisa made in class, that to be spiritual and to behave accordingly does not require you to be a part of an organized religion. I believe that if more people were open to this idea, there would be fewer tensions across the globe. How many times has blood been shed in the name of religion? How many lives were sacrificed because “my God is better than your God?” One is too many.

I will say that the principles on which America was built have afford us a great deal of latitude where the freedom of religion is concerned. For the most part, all religions are accepted. There are the various radical groups that are looked at as outcasts, but I think most Americans are able to discern their absurdity. There are countries in which this is not the case, countries where a state religion is imposed. I was relieved to see, however, that in many of the countries represented, a sense of religious tolerance exists. India, for example, seems to have a very diverse religious population despite the large Hindu influence. Our lovely Moroccan friends hosted some Christians on their holy day, and in turn went to a Christian ceremony on its holy day. There are many countries that seem to have populations made up of Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. The fact that in the majority of these countries’ people of the different religions are able to co-exist is promising. Perhaps it is here we can learn from the others the art of tolerance and acceptance for all.

These skills are essential not only to religion, but in everyday life. It is difficult for me to put into words everything I have gained from this experience. I will start by saying I am still puzzled as to why I was picked. The other participants are such wonderful people, that I am honored to be in the same classroom with them. I hope I can take their humility home with me. Their zest for life and knowledge never ceased to amaze me. I truly respect their openness to learn and to share despite some vary real religious and cultural differences.

I especially loved the lectures. I did not know it was possible to learn so much in such a short period of time. I learned things about myself, about other people, about the world. It was great having the opportunity to hear professors like Jacobo, Spitzberg, and Maxwell (just to name a few). Despite living in San Diego for a little over five years, I have never really been the border. It was always something I heard talked about, something that was just down the street, but I had never seen it. When Professor Jacobo discussed it in class and then accompanied us to Border State Park, I learned so much about our own border and immigration issues, but I also learned about the same issues in other countries like Cypress and China.

Dr. Spitzberg’s lectures on communication were exceptional. I know I will be able to utilize that knowledge in my day-to-day life as well as my professional and educational lives. The same can be said about Lisa Maxwell’s lectures on negotiation. I think most will agree that communication is a very important part of life, and miscommunication is the root of many issues. The tools that both Dr. Spitzberg and Lisa provided us, if applied, will certainly aid us in communicating our issues to others and will greatly decrease any miscommunication that could have otherwise occurred.

The ropes course at Challenge-U was an amazing confidence booster, not only on a personal level, but on the group level as well. I still look back and giggle thinking about our team (go ‘A’ Team) and how we were able to work together to accomplish the given tasks having only known each other for a few days. It was that day I got to know one of my now closest friends, Ramona from Romania. I will always to indebt to this program for enrichment it has brought into my life.

I am constantly amazed at the entire program. One day I was sitting in the back of the classroom, and I took a second to look around and I was taken aback. Seeing the thirty other students sitting in class, the diversity that existed, gave me hope for our future. I have learned something from each and every one of these individuals. I can only hope I have affected them half as much as they have affected me. I have made life long friends with the other students, and as growing leaders I cannot wait to see what the future has in store.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hansenian Earth - Water Science Discovery

Radio Frequencies Help Burn Salt Water
By David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Tue, 11 Sep 2007, 11:41AM

ERIE, Pa. - An Erie cancer researcher has found a way to burn salt water, a novel invention that is being touted by one chemist as the "most remarkable" water science discovery in a century.

John Kanzius happened upon the discovery accidentally when he tried to desalinate seawater with a radio-frequency generator he developed to treat cancer. He discovered that as long as the salt water was exposed to the radio frequencies, it would burn.

The discovery has scientists excited by the prospect of using salt water, the most abundant resource on earth, as a fuel.

Rustum Roy, a Penn State University chemist, has held demonstrations at his State College lab to confirm his own observations.

The radio frequencies act to weaken the bonds between the elements that make up salt water, releasing the hydrogen, Roy said. Once ignited, the hydrogen will burn as long as it is exposed to the frequencies, he said.

The discovery is "the most remarkable in water science in 100 years," Roy said.

"This is the most abundant element in the world. It is everywhere," Roy said. "Seeing it burn gives me the chills."

Roy will meet this week with officials from the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense to try to obtain research funding.

The scientists want to find out whether the energy output from the burning hydrogen — which reached a heat of more than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit — would be enough to power a car or other heavy machinery.

"We will get our ideas together and check this out and see where it leads," Roy said. "The potential is huge."

Note: We thank Dave for forwarding this news link.


* One problem. What do you do with all the salt once it has been separated from the water? If one plans to use this technology on a commercial scale there will be massive stockpiles of salt that must be accounted for.

* The salt cannot be merely poured back into the ocean because this will increase the salinity of the water past its ecological capacity and will begin to kill fish and other ocean-life. You cannot merely bury such quantities of salt because it will turn the soil into a desert incapable of growing any plant-life and possibly seeping down into the groundwater and contaminating our drinking sources. Nor can you just leave the salt in massive piles above ground because the wind will carry it and blow it to either the ground or water. And its easy to see how quickly storing the salt in ware-houses would become a problem.

* While this discovery has the potential to be a nice supplement and replacement to the current methods of desalinization such as those used extensively in the Arab-gulf which currently require much more energy expended than received, it will not be a source that can possibly replace oil as the article seems to suggest until this issue of the salt is remedied.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hansenian Discussion - FUTURE OF PAKISTAN

Dear Friends..

It was a moment of joy for me when I saw Dave's mail in the inbox. More than anything I really appreciate his interest in discussing contemporary events. This inspired me to start another strand in the blog "Hansenian Discussion" which will accomodate all view points on a particular subject. To start with let me take it from what Dave has pointed out.

Dave: (8 September 2007)It's getting crazy in the world this summer! So what's your thoughts about Sharif and Bhutto coming back to Pakistan? Sharif gets the anger of the entire Arab world if he goes back, and Bhutto's probably just as corrupt. Gupta was pretty pessimistic when I talked to him the other day. He was telling me he was on National Public Radio that morning citing how Bhutto's husband had chopped down ancient statues from an archaeological site to decorate his pool. All the corruption and tribal warfare makes for yet another argument as a failure to create a national ideal. I dunno if you've read Benedict Anderson's "imagined communities" hypothesis, but I reckon it fits the expected outcome.

Ram: (8 September 2007)

I tend to see the Pakistan issue not from the nationalism point of view. This also stems from the fact that I am not well-versed in Anderson's thesis of 'imagined communities'. I would love to hear more from you and the connection in the Pakistan context.

My understanding says that a post-Musharraf government, led by Sharif, Bhutto or anyone else will run into trouble and that Pakistan is entering another era of uncertainty.

Musharraf had vowed to prevent both Bhutto and Sharif from entering Pakistan again, blaming them for corruption and economic problems that nearly bankrupted the country in the 1990s, when each had two turns as prime minister. But with his support eroding, Musharraf has edged toward an alliance with Bhutto and her moderate Pakistan People's Party so he can be re-elected as a strong civilian president backed by a friendly parliament.

Sharif is opposed to such alliance between Bhutto and Musharaff. Surprisingly, Sharif has pleased his followers by taking a non-compromising stand against General Musharraf and the military establishment. Also, we have to understand that Sharif supporters are mostly from the lower-middle and middle classes who possess immense political energy. They are socially conservative and much closer to religious ideology. Like Sharif himself, they are opposed to modernity and new trends in Pakistani society. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that Sharif has formed an alliance with religious parties and Imran Khan (Former Cricket Player) who, according to some observers, sounded more to the right of Qazi Hussain Ahmad of Jama'at-e Islami.

Enter Bhutto. She not only talks the American talk of "moderation versus extremism"; she heads the largest political party in Pakistan. That is the reason why the Americans are backing the Bhutto-Musharraf rapprochement. ( Sharif had poor relations with Washington when in office in the 1980s — he authorized Pakistan's first nuclear tests in 1998 — and is now aligned with Islamist parties who accuse Musharraf of betraying Pakistan's national interests for turning against the Taliban after the 9/11 attacks.) Also, Bhutto has truly represented the elitist approach by endlessly manoeuvring the situation to ascend to power through a deal.

If any democratic government, led by Sharif or someone else, tries to accommodate the jihadis or their agendas, the US and the West will impose an economic blockade on Pakistan. The World Bank, IMF and all other credit facilitating institutions like the Paris Club or Asian Development Bank will pull the plug on Pakistan. Consequently, the Pakistani economy, addicted to foreign aid and loans, will tumble and the serving government will become highly unpopular.

In any case Pakistan is entering another era of uncertainty. I wish I am wrong in my predictions.

Dave (9 September 2007)
Interesting on Pakistan, so my understanding is Sharif occupies the center-right and Bhutto the center-left. Centrist politics may be a thing to criticize then. What's to stop radicalization of either one of their ideologies given the contstraints in-country?

Whenever I'm analyzing a country, the first thing I ask myself is, "what's missing here?" In Pakistan's case, I'd say a simple answer would be "national unity." Anderson has a constructivist argument about state-formation - states are non-real entities, and modern states are based on nationalism channeled through the collective belief in the nation-state. The "nation" is a large-n group of believers in an "imagined community" which is not synonymous with "country," but there's significant overlap. We think of a nation as just the group of people who
live on a particular piece of territory, and are emotionally tied to the people who use it.

Post-18th century liberalism opened the intellectual space to allow a "nation-state" where these people now have a collective mythologizing of their shared identity. The country gets big enough to get organized.

Ron Suny from University of Chicago gives the example of his people, Armenia, who have thought of themselves as a nation for centuries, but weren't recognized as an independent state till the late industrial era. Their whole history is a history of suspicion of outsiders (mostly of Turks who kicked their asses in 1915), but also pride based on inclusion of multiple religions, particularly as the first early converts to Christianity. So to -be- Armenian means to -be- tied to that strip
of hills in the Sub-Caucausus region, but it also means to accept the language, customs, and history (even if it's not accurate) of those who call themselves Armenians. As time goes on, this constructive mythmaking becomes a force to demand state-hood, to acquire popular political power.

The effectiveness of building that imagined community determines how organized they can get, so if your people lack pride, empathy, or trust in fellow members, your community will be dogged by others and you'll never get it off the ground.

In (West) Pakistan's case, of course they were an invented country after the Brits left the subcontinent up to India in 1945. In this case even the name's made up - -P-unjab, N.W.F.P. (-A-fghania), -K-ashmir, -S-indh, and Baluchi-stan-. They didn't have a chance to create their imagined community based on any uniting identity other than Islam. That was the principle by which the territory was divided, and the foment of the collective mythologizing. Since that point, you're gonna have one leader after another who takes advantage of retelling the "who are we" story in order to direct the country in the direction they want it to go. Whether it's
Shaukat Aziz, G.I. Khan, Bhutto, Sharif, or whomever wants to get their hands on the national unconsciousness.

I'd even go to the extent that there's no -real- Pakistan to fight over, just the ideal of what Pakistan should look like. The hills and trees and rivers of the country aren't going anywhere, they're not really fighting over their existential character, Bhutto and Sharif are fighting Musharraff over principles of leadership and control. Is it going to be a strong Islamic republic with Sharia as it's basic law, is it going to be a moderate secular government with no Islamic law included at all, or something in between? We shall see.

As long as the different tribal groups are going to fight each other for control and domination,or give in to a single party apparatus to reflect and reorganize their preferences on the country, it's never gonna hold together. Going simply by socio-economic status is a bit irrelevant, this case doesn't present itself as a purely class-driven revolt, it's driven by unjust political control at the top. People -look- for injustice, and when they see it go on in the streets of Karachi, they get pissed. It's natural.

The one time where they're unified on something is when it threatens their collective status - their emotionally charged identity as part of the imagined community. This is something like how Israelis deny the existence of Palestine right to the Palestinians faces (and vice versa), there's nothing quicker to turn off a discussion and turn it violent than to deny the other man's very existence as a nationalized entity. Same thing is going on here, Bhutto and Sharif are simply
taking advantage of the disarray of the last few years' alliance with the hamfisted U.S. military messing up Afghanistan next door and creating a huge diaspora problem.

That's why I'm not very worried about economic sanctions, there's not a whole lot the global capitalists of the world need from Pakistan that they can't resource from elsewhere. Indeed, I would principally reject sanctions from the get-go. You recall from Professor Nesbitt's lecture on South Africa - without a just cause they don't work, they just pin the dictator in the corner like an angry dog, and he'll just go on fighting the outside and blaming the outside for all the problems in their country. Right now it would be unclear who we're punishing - the guy we sided
with, the guys with the beards who support him, or the guys who nominally support him but because they hate the bearded guys?

The U.S. and the West lack such credibility in Pakistan or the rest of the world that any attempt to "punish" the leadership for siding with the wrong guy (regardless of whether Bhutto or Sharif wind up being the golden boy/girl), is just arrogant, half-hearted, and stupid. Instead of punishing, the U.S. would have to look to reward good governance with new economic prospects, planning commissions for new power plants, infrastructure improvement, etc.. Course even this will probably wind up making just a few investors rich, and the rest of the country down and out,
but such is the world of today.

So then a big existential question to ask: what do the Pakistanis themselves want? Can they trust bilateral relations with the outside? They've gotten screwed working with other countries before, esp. in the U.S.'s "War on Terruh." Do they want their young workers to be the whipping boys of the Arab oil-sheikhs for the next 50 years? I reckon they'd rather be home doing something constructive. Do they want to be stuck with the system they've got with the crime, violence, and political corruption that's dogged them for years? One would guess that they'd prefer stability and swept streets if it meant giving up a bit of their own ideals about Shari'a law. What's gonna deliver them out of this, merely a good job, or a good sense of who they are as a group? Does Islam offer this, or are they going to have to transcend petty religious sentiments and find higher purposes yet?

Big questions, little time for Pakistan to answer the challenges.

Adam (1o September 2007)

So, the critical question becomes, why does Pakistan lack national unity and what can they do to obtain it? Nationalist sentiments breed a feeling of similarity amongst the populace. Although you can see what dangerous paths these sentiments can take you from Europe in the 1920-40's, it is a necessary bond when in moderation as it dissipates inward pressure. Essentially it is the cement of the building.

Contrary to Anderson's prototype of the Imagined community, A.D. Smith wrote of nations as eternal entities. He believed that men are divided into nations from early times by ethnicity. However this theory fails to account for two things. One, how are new nations created? The United States of America is a separate nation from England. Two, if nations are primordial, what accounts for the discrepancies in their cohesion? This is the question of particular importance in the case of Pakistan.

Benedict Anderson believed that the invention of the printing press was the primary catalyst in the creation of nationalist sentiments. A printed press allows for the easy transmission of thoughts as all those within this same "community" are reading from the same pool of thoughts and thus developing a shared sense of community, or nation. The problem with Pakistan is the largest linguistic group is Punjabi and is spoken by only 48% of the population, so which language are these shared transmission to be written in? Language is a natural barrier to a community as it distinguishes and thus divides. A common religion is not enough to develop nationalistic sentiments as one can see from studying the Arab revolt from the Ottoman Empire.

There is also the issue of immigrants and refugees. Pakistan holds a substantial proportion of persons living within its territories whose primary allegiance lies with another country, notably those who have fled from Afghanistan. Also there are many tribes which have yet to be brought into the political system. The N.W.F.P. is only under the de-jure rule of Pakistan, while de-facto it is in tribal autonomy and actually shares closer allegiances to Afghanistan.

The best way to search for the "missing piece" as Dave put it, is to compare it to the case of India, an obvious choice for its shared descent and multitude of languages. Perhaps Ram could elaborate on why India was successful in building its nationalistic sentiments and how it overcame the divisive nature of having 16 national languages and over 600 in total.

RAM: (17 September 2007)
The discussion on nationalism inspired me very much that I had actually evolved myself reading few important literatures. Two of the most influential recent works on nationalism, by Ernest Gellner and Benedict Anderson identify national consciousness conventionally as the co-extensiveness of politics and culture: an over-riding identification of the individual with a culture that is protected by the state. Both also provide a sociological account of how it was only in the modem era that such a type of consciousness-where people from diverse locales could "imagine" themselves as part of a single community-was made possible.

Gellner presents the following account of this discontinuity. Pre-industrial society is formed of segmentary communities, each isolated from the other, with an inaccessible high culture jealously guarded by a literate ruling elites. With the growth of industrialism, Society requires a skilled literate and mobile work force. The segmentary form of communities is no longer adequate to create a homogenously educated work force in which the individual members are interchangeable. The state comes to be in charge of the nation, and through control of education creates the requisite interchangeability of individuals, The primary identification with segmentary communities is thus transferred to the nation state as the producer of culture. Thus a new type of consciousness, born of an homogenous culture and tied to the state, emerges in a industrial society.

In Anderson's view, nationalist consciousness was made possible with the breakdown of three defining characteristics of pre-modern society: sacred scripts, divine kingship and the conflation of history with cosmology. Together these had made for an unself-conscious coherence in society which broke down with the spread of print media through the engine of the Capitalist market. Print capitalism permitted an unprecedented mode of apprehending time that was "empty" and "homogenous"- expressed in an ability to imagine the simultaneous existence of one's co-nationals. To be sure, many of the characteristics of nationalism evolve historically through a succession of modular types of nationalist movements - one of Anderson's most interesting concepts. But he believes, nonetheless, that nationalisms have a defining systemic unity embodied in the unique type of self-consciousness of the people imagining themselves as one.

Now the question arises as to how do historical groups try to transform a society with multiple representations of political community into a single social totality? This process involves the hardening of social and cultural boundaries around a particular configuration of self in relation to an “Other”. Sociologically, we may think of communities not as well-bounded entities but as possessing various different and mobile boundaries that demarcate different dimensions of life. These boundaries may be either soft or hard. One or more of the cultural practices of a group, such as rituals, language, dialect, music, kinship rules or culinary habits, may be considered soft boundaries if they identify a group but do not prevent the group from sharing and even adopting, self-consciously or not, the practices of another. Groups with soft boundaries between each other are sometimes so unselfconscious about their differences that they do not view mutual boundary breach as a threat and could eventually even amalgamate into one community. An incipient nationality is formed when the perception of the boundaries of community are transformed: when soft boundaries are transformed into hard ones. This happens when a group succeeds in imposing a historical narrative of descent and/or dissent upon both heterogeneous and related cultural practices.

We need to understand that what is novel about modern nationalism is not political self-consciousness, but the world system of nation-states. Over the last century, this system, which sanctions the nation-state as the only legitimate form of polity, has expanded to cover the globe. Externally, the nation-state claims sovereignty within distinct, but not undisputed, territorial boundaries. Internally, the state claims to represent the people of the nation and through this claim, has steadily expanded its role in society, often at the expense of local authority structures. It is important to grasp that the form of the nation-state is sanctioned by a battery of discourses generated from the system as a whole. We have seen how Social Darwinism joined race and History to the nation-state. Later, anti-imperialism and even socialism and Marxism would come to sanction the nation-state. At the same time, these nation-states also have to confront other alternative or historical representations from within the societies they govern.

In India, several models of political community furnished the framework within which the modern nation was contested. We can find these historical conceptions within the motley body of the Indian National Congress itself which emerged in the late 19th century as the representative of Indian nationalism. Thus for instance, the secularist model of Jawaharlal Nehru and Rabindranath Tagore drew upon the idealized conception of the sub-continental empire. Each of the empires in South Asia was built upon the symbols of the classical idea of a universal ruler: Akbar restoring the Hindu idea of a chakravartin in the Persian idea of shahanshah; the British using Mughal ceremonies and language to re-vitalize the imperial state. Thus colonisers and conquerors reinforced a process of political formation whereby communities and regional kingdoms were incorporated (and not subsumed or obliterated) into an ordered heterogeneity.

Nehru may have been the first to narratives a history of the sub-continental empire into what comes to be known as the secular History of India. In his view, what he considered India was the secular unity of different communities and religions, each of which had made distinctive historical contributions. The achievements of Hinduism, for him was merely one of the sources of India's greatness, together with those of Buddhism, the Turkic emperors, traditional science among other sources. For Nehru, the History of India was the most authentic testimony to the capacity of Indians to maintain a "unity among diversity". The high points of Indian history were the reigns of Asoka, the Guptas, Akbar and the great Moghuls all of whom attempted to develop a political framework to unite the cultural diversity of the sub-continent. While in contemporary India this idealized version is countered by a forceful process of state-building, nonetheless, the memory of ordered heterogeneity is perhaps visible in the notion of Indian secularism, which is not so much a strict separation of state and society, as it is the equal support of the state for all religions.

The memory of Brahmanic universalism as the foundation of the new political community, filtered through Orientalist discourses of the 19th century, was appropriated in its split form as universalism and its supplement of closure. Its universal form was articulated by Sri Aurobindo and others and influenced Mohandas Gandhi. Aurobindo emphasized Advaita Hinduism, a radically monistic faith which believes in the unity of all being and denies the reality of the many particular entities in the universe. In this highly abstract system, a communal framework was created to absorb or tolerate heteregenous elements domestically within an essentially Brahmanic universalism. Thinkers like Aurobindo and Gandhi had of course to develop strategies to square the circle: to contain their universalism within their terminal political community of the nation. One such strategy was to devise the Spiritual East/Material West duality whereby India remained the privileged locus as the origin and repository of true (Hindu?) Spirituality.

The supplement to Brahmanic universalism, which in recent times has threatened to overcome this universalism, is the historical memory of the nation-space as Aryavarta whose charter is traced to the medieval political readings of the Ramayana. Hindu nationalism has drawn much attention by its violent mobilization campaigns to recover the site of the alleged birthplace of Rama in Ayodhya from a Muslim shrine which existed there until Hindu nationalists destroyed it in December 1992. The Ayodhya destruction is only the most recent expression of a series of campaigns launched by Hindu nationalists since the end of the 19th century, such as the protection of the cow, the promotion of religious ceremonies to capture public spaces and the take over of other Muslim shrines. These nationalists, like the anti-Manchu revolutionaries in China, foreground atavistic revenge in their narrative of discent. Through this narrative of vengeance, they seek to re-invest local gods, local issues and local conflicts with national meaning. Hindu nationalism has no use for universalism and declares a homogenized Hinduness (Hindutva) to be the sole or privileged criterion for inclusion in the political community of the nation. They thus seek to transform the relative porous boundaries of local communities into an over-arching hard boundary between a national community and its Muslim Other. It is a project that recalls the radical “other”ing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hansenian Celebration: TEACHER'S DAY (in INDIA)

(Teacher's Day in India is a tribute to the hard work that is put by the teacher all year long to educate a child. In India, teacher day is celebrated on 5th of September. Indian Teachers Day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education and was one of the greatest scholars and teachers of all times, apart from being the President of India. As a tribute to this great teacher, his birthday is observed as Teachers Day in India.)

Teachers mold the lives that they influence. Lessons learned from teachers remain with their students throughout life. Teachers that break down barriers and reach into the souls of the students that they are responsible for do not get the recognition or gratitude they have earned. Many teachers are exhausted from their workload and responsibilities. Teachers need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their devotion to students is appreciated.

If you ever have come across one teacher in all your student life, which has changed your life and your way of thinking for the better, you have been blessed. Thankfully I have had several such opportunities. Right from pre-primary school right up to the University, I have benefited from teachers who have gone beyond their call of duty, to mould me and my fellow students into better human beings, first and foremost, and then to instill in us a sense of purpose for life, that at a young age seems all too ambiguous.

These teachers went above the regular lectures, exams; viva’s and juries, and made me realize that education is something much more than what is contained in the printed text book.

I consider education to be one of the nobler professions, akin to medicine. Teachers, who spend their lives teaching kids, do more than just teach. They help mould the future of our communities, cities and countries.

I shall forever be thankful to all those wonderful teachers, who have enriched my life. To name a few would not be fair, because there are too many to name. And this is a day about all the teachers who have worked silently, under great stress and pressure to produce responsible and capable citizens of this world.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hansenian Report: ARISTOS (Cyprus)

My perceptions of the causes of social conflict in my region:

First of all, I would like to give my thanks to the Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation, for the great opportunity that it gave me by choosing me to represent my country to this promising international program. I would also like to thank our hosts that worked so hard to make this program pleasing to the majority of the attendants. I personally never felt at any time like an alien or an outsider. I must say that I am so grateful. I would also like to congratulate the organizers and the coordinator for the perfect planning and timing during this whole time.

Social conflict occurs in my country for about 30 years now. The lack of communication among the two communities (Greek and Turkish Cypriots), always leads the negotiations to a dead end. Both sides want a solution to the problem, both sides want peace, but due to the lack of understanding and flexibility—which is a characteristic that applies to both Turks and Greeks—the Cyprus problem is considered to be a vicious circle.

Due to some incidences in the past (hostilities against the Turkish Cypriots back in the 1967 by some Greek Cypriots who were blinded by nationalism), and due to the interference of foreign countries in the internal affairs of Cyprus, a wave of hostility and hatred started among the two communities. After the Turkish invasion in 1974 and the division of the island, communication was lost. Many negotiation efforts for solving the problem were unsuccessful and the gap between the two communities continued to grow. Nowadays, things are much better, especially after the partial removal of some restrictions regarding the movement of people to northern and southern Cyprus.

To approach the problem with the perception of solving it, the two communities will have to take into consideration the other’s perspectives. The “hatred” and the dark signs of history must be forgotten and a new era should begin. Through this program, I became aware of terms such as communication, negotiation and conflict resolution, which were unfamiliar to me. This helped me see the problem more clearly with a new viewpoint. This program also helped me understand that things are not always black and white in conflict resolution, and sometimes the answer lies in the grey areas. It reflected on me in a way that I dropped my prejudices and I became more open-minded and mature. Through the courses, I became more experienced and I think and hope that I am going to contribute to the solution of my country’s problem and to global peace.

Comparison of my country’s problem with the other countries’ problems:

Thinking about Solution:

Looking at other regions around the world, I discovered that the Cyprus problem is unique and can not be compared with problems that other countries face. Due to the complexity and peculiarity that characterizes this particular problem, the solution is not easy.

Feelings about other countries:

When I acquainted myself with the genocide that took place in Cambodia, I felt so sad and I realized that there are much much worse problems than the ones we face in my country. Talking about the killings in Cyprus and mentioning hundreds, can not be compared with the millions that the Cambodian people mourned.
Other conflict situations though were very interesting and challenging. For example, the border issue with the U.S and Mexico and the conflict among them. It was so shocking to me to see other people so close but yet so far (and this reminds me of my country). It was also astonishing to me to learn that many people died in their effort to cross the border.

What I learned from this program:

First of all, I would like to say that this program fully met my expectations. Relationships between people of different culture were created, international friendships were made, our characters and culture were shaped, and definitely this program changed our identity. This was a life changing experience that is going to be unforgettable. I am going to miss my friends and they, - with out a doubt-, will miss me. Landon, Shiva, Goran, Tibi, Dawren, and the other participants of the program, true friends, tomorrow’s leaders, future peacemakers. I feel so honored and lucky because the opportunity to meet this people was given to me.

Through this program, I became aware of terms such as communication, negotiation and conflict resolution, which were unfamiliar to me. This helped me see the problem more clearly with a new viewpoint. This program also helped me understand that things are not always black and white in conflict resolution, and sometimes the answer lies in the grey areas. It reflected on me in a way that I dropped my prejudices and I became more open-minded and mature. Through the courses, I became more experienced and I think and hope that I am going to contribute to the solution of my country’s problem and to global peace. Furthermore, I became a good listener and a good negotiator. In addition I developed my leadership skills and I became self confident.

Hansenian Report: NADIR (Cyprus)

When I was five years old, I heard something about wars. I didn’t understand that the meaning of this word. I asked my father about the meaning of war? My father explained that if two persons fight for toys this means a conflict and he added that only bad children act like this. He added that when it happens outside the home in a larger sense, it is called as war. Then my mother and father always start to talk with me about peace. They teach me that peace at home will lead to peace in the world.

Today in globalize world countries work for their interests and their benefits compose their aims. Big countries exploit small and weak countries and the reason of this exploitation compose the reason of social conflict. Every person has different perception about this issue. Therefore citing examples is the best way for explaining the perceptions. In my perception, the cause of social conflict in Cyprus is based in history with strategic importance. The island has a strategic importance and it has been colonized many times. After these colonies society start to seek their identities and peoples start to separated from their identities.

I want to give brief information about history for understanding well the causes of conflict in my island. The history has started since World War II, which have shaped the Cyprus conflict. Cyprus history separated 11 periods and each period has some mystery. First period started with the ancient Cyprus, which composed the sources of Greek identity and culture. Second period was the Byzantine rule and Orthodoxy (330- 1191) which was called the new Rome and then Constantinople. Third period was the Frankish period (1192- 1571), which include the Turkish invasion, siege of Famagusta, capitulation to Turks. Fourth period was the Ottoman period (1571- 1878) which showed the Ottoman Turks and included the Greek war of independence (1821), Megali idea, first signs of Enosis idea (1833). What was the idea of enosis? Enosis was the idea which aimed to make the island Greeks. With this idea I can say that the island started to separate in ottoman period and the first cause of conflict exist in ottoman period. Ottoman period ended with one treaty which showed the ottoman gave island British and Cyprus started to live under British (1878- 1960). The Cyprus under British separated two parts first was the British rule until the Second World War and second was the post-war Cyprus.

In British rule until the Second World War include that Cyprus become a British colony (1925) and British control started in island. Against British control AKEL composed. AKEL was the Cypriot communist party. This period include the effect of identity. British control effect the Greek and Turkish Cypriots identities. The post-war included the Cyprus Greek petition in churches for enosis signed by 96- 97%. The most important names are Makarios (archbishop) and Grivas (military leader). They first time came together for success enosis. Sixth period in Cyprus history was the struggle against British (1955- 1959). In this period Grivas and EOKA played an important role. Another important thing was the London conference (Britain invited Greece and Turkey to discuss problems, including Cyprus). But the conference ended without agreement. In 1957 and 1958 EOKA started to boycott of British and at the end of the year long ceasefire. Although attack in 1959 Turkish and Greek foreign ministers met at Zurich to draft basic articles of constitution. This treaty provided the garanti of limited independence, according to the British basis, Greek and Turkish troops to be stationed on the island for the solution Makarios and Dr. Fazil Kucuk elected president and vice president. Grivas retired to Athens. And the Republic of Cyprus composed.

The Republic (1960- 1963) was established on August 15, Makarios president and Dr. Fazil kucuk vice president. But unfortunately they didn’t agree about the separate municipalities issue and the terrorism continued. After constitutional crisis Akritas plan formed. Greeks aimed to kill all Turks in island within 24 hours. Until the seventh period I gave some information about sources of conflict. After this period peoples’ feeling plays important role. 1963 was the date of genocide and this period called the constitutional breakdown & inter communal conflict (1963- 1967) this years was the violence years. Grivas returns to command Greek army and with this return another period started which was called division among Greek Cypriots (1967&1974). Exact division started with the EOKA-B, this organization composed for show that Cyprus is the Greek island and the part of the Greece. They tried to assassinate Makarios because his and his supporter didn’t want to be the part of the Greece. At the end of the year Grivas was death. After 1975 called the deadlock and negotiations (1975 to present day).

In above I tried to explain our history briefly. In this historical process one of the important parts is the minority and majority issue. In island Turkish-Cypriots composed the minority and the Greek- Cypriots composed the majority. In all over the world we can observe that majority societies want to be the leader. This can be the other cause of conflict because in human nature individualism plays an important role to separate something. Turkish- Cypriots declared the unitary state of Turkish republic of northern Cyprus (15 December 1983) because Turkish- Cypriot lives under the pressure and still lives with embargos. In war time peoples have to make choices between deaths or live under pressure. Both of them are the same things for me so Turkish-Cypriot said that we want our secular republic. Now we live with the sense of peace and the one of the important reason is our secular republic.

One example of this conflict in demonstrated my life my father born in pafos in 1965 (southern side). He lived in southern side seven years. When he was 7 years old, they have to migrate because the exile issue was obligation for Turkish- Cypriots. Result of the war he migrate northern side. When my father and his family were come northern side they started their life with fist level. This means they have to shape their life without money, house and food. In that time Turkish- Cypriots have to live in the Greek houses because northern side doesn’t have strong economy. Now we have lots of cases about this issue all Greeks apply court for take their rights but sufferer Turkish- Cypriots cannot apply this court. Where are the human rights? No equal conditions and no rights. Another conflict issue was economy. It is the same island but two separated parts, languages and economy. Southern part of the Cyprus is a EU member and the northern part not. EU provides lots of supply for southern side but Northern side has to live under embargos. We didn’t have external and internal affairs and international flights. Many countries don’t now us. Against all these issues Turkey provide our supplies for alive. Turkey is the garanti of Turkish-Cypriots. This shows that the northern part of the island was externalized. This is the real cause of social conflict.

In all over the world we can find lots of conflicts and we can classify these conflicts with their types. I want to give specific examples about this and show the similarities and differences with my island. Czechoslovakia is one of the most important examples of peacefully separation. Czech and Slovak republic totally separated without any conflict. In my island we have same issue but we separated with war. Peoples separated with their identities and with their religions. In Sri Lanka we can see that the separation between religious group especially Tamils and Sinhalese. They fight because Tamils are minority and want to have a minority rights. In Canada causes of conflict started with language between Quebec and Canada. When I look all of them I can say that all countries have one common point and this point is the conflict and violence. If I compare these countries and Cyprus I can say that Cyprus is the mixture. In Cyprus identities, languages, religions, life style totally different.

In Hansen summer institute we took lots of lessons and each lesson help me to gain new information’s. First time I visit US (San Diego) with inaugural Hansen summer institute program. This is my opportunity because it is my first experience and like a building if one building started with strong structure you can be sure that this structure will never destroyed. I have 100 steps to became a 100% (perfect) with this program. I complete one process and in my life I need 99 step for complete all processes.

In our lessons Understanding immigration and border issue with Rodolfo Jacobo, Image of the enemy- From Identity to Violence with Dipak Gupta, Anger revenge and Violence with Brain Spitzberg, Conflict Resolution and negotiation with Lisa Maxwell are directly related with my own society conflict. Also the Mexican border Tour was reflecting the same things in my society. I cannot describe my feeling about borders. I feel like I am in a jail. I saw the people who live with great sufferings. They can come near the border and like a TV program they can watch the other side. I believe that we have to respect the others we cannot make separation between people about poor and rich and we cannot separate peoples with walls. And I was a shock because everything in border different from the picture also US is the developed country. I think that the borders more better then the Cyprus but I found the opposite.

In Hansen I learn lots of things about different countries, their cultures, their languages and Religious. I met with peoples who have different personalities. All participants are peacefully and friendly. I gain lots of friends from different countries. This Program for me before coming included the leadership and cooperation but now it includes leadership, friendship, cooperation, power, peace, sharing, discipline, affection, respect, communication and etc…

One of the important things for me before coming I didn’t speak one Greek Cypriots but now I have one friend from southern side of my island. Interesting things in Small Island unknown questions find their answers in this program. I start to make real research about conflict and I learn that what does it means conflict, Types of conflict, reasons of conflict. I start to judge and improve myself.

Also I find opportunity to talk with Aristos and I learn his perspective about solution for this talk we prepare discussion group and we discuss more than 5 hours and in this discussion china, India, US are the peacekeepers. According to Aristos peace can be achieved with a unitary state but in this unitary state president should be Greek- Cypriots and vice president Turkish Cypriots. And I think that peace can make with unitary state but people don’t separate from their identities. Peacekeepers try to find solution and they said that unitary state without separation. After we were talk about economy and embargos and the solution found with EU supplies. Both sides can share the supplies without any power. At the end of the discussion we decided that the conflict in Cyprus depends on the lack of respect, lack of trusts, fear, economy, identity, sovereignty, religion and cultural separation, long period of war and other powers.

According to the Greek-Cypriots, I am Turkish-Cypriot and this means I can never be the president of Cyprus. In the island Turkish Cypriots can be the minority and I can be the part of this minority but this doesn’t mean that I never be the president I have human rights and I have lots of aim about future. Time has come for us to find a durable solution to solve this prolonging problem.